June 2022 update...

We are delighted to announce that Elleray Hall is now, once again, open every day of the week with a full timetable of activities and interest groups.  As well as the return of many of our most popular activities we have recently been able to bring on board many new ones including Chair Based Yoga, u3a Bridge, Jazz Appreciation, Curling Competitions, Skittle Alley and many more....

We are also pleased to be able to offer a homecooked two-course lunch every day.




Re-opening Elleray Hall 28.05.21

We are so pleased that Elleray Hall has re-opended on a limited basis and with Covid safety measures in place. This has been going very well and we are delighted to see hall hirers, the local community and our members using the centre once again!

Current activities for Elleray Hall members are Current Affairs and Tai Chi on a Monday, a Quiz, Lunch and Relaxation classes on Tuesdays, Gentle Exercise and Zumba Gold on a Wednesday and Bingo, Lunch and Songs on a Thursday. Attendance must be booked in advance via the office and all the Covid guidelines have to be adhered to of course. Thank you for your understanding.





Latest Lockdown 3/01/2021

Due to the latest lockdown and in line with Government and Council guidelines, we have closed our centre for the time being to protect the safety of all our users.We continue to maintain regular contact with our members and hope that we can restart our activities in due course.





Gradual  Re-openingElleray Hall 09/2020

We are delighted with the gradual reopening of Elleray Hall with new Covid safety measures in place. This has been going very well and we are so pleased to see hall hirers, the local community  and our members back in the Centre enjoying their activities!

Current activities for Elleray Hall members are Tai Chi on a Monday, a social coffee morning on Tuesdays and Zumba Gold on Wednesday. Activities must be booked in advance and for anyone attending the centre we would appreciate that you follow the guidelines that are displayed around the hall.  Thank you for your understanding and we look forward to seeing you!





 Covid-19 Update Elleray Hall



At Elleray Hall our priority has always been the safety and happiness of our users. In light of this, the Centre will remain closed with the hope to reopen as a Social Centre at the beginning of 2021. Our Trustees and staff continue to review the situation and follow Government and Council guidelines. This may mean we open earlier or later than anticipated, we will let you know either way. We continue to maintain regular contact with members and strive to develop our community, even if we can't meet in person just yet! 


Best wishes,

Emelia Harris                Joan Barnett
Centre Manager           Chair of Trustees



Regarding Covid-19


Temporary Closure of Elleray Hall

Unfortunately following our letter on 13th March the government guidelines have changed and we therefore have to make new decisions for your safety. The Government has recommended that unnecessary social interactions should be avoided especially for those who would be more vulnerable (those over 70 and people with underlying health conditions) to the new virus, Covid-19. With this in mind we have taken the decision to temporary close Elleray Hall from the 23rd March 2020. We will review this decision on a regular basis but it will be in place until we inform you otherwise.

We do not want you to feel alone in this time and if you would like us to call you for a chat on a regular basis please let the office know. If you need practical help with shopping etc we are happy to provide contact details for organisations and people who has offered to help with this!

Remember to wash your hands, drink plenty of water and stay safe!

Best wishes,

Emelia Harris                Joan Barnett
Centre Manager           Chair of Trustees



Dear Elleray members,

You should be aware that there is concern that the Coronavirus is spreading and in order to minimise the risk to users, volunteers and staff of Elleray Hall Social Centre it is necessary for us to maintain a high level of hygiene. 

Therefore we would ask you all to wash your hands with soap and water (for a minimum of 20 second) repeatedly throughout the day. This is particularly important when entering and leaving the building, using toilet facilities and before and after lunch and tea breaks. You will find plenty of soap available and we ask that you use a tissue to turn of the tap after you washed your hands.

If you cough of sneeze please cover your mouth with a tissue and then throw the tissue in the the closest bin. See posters around the centre with Catch it, Bin it, Kill it. Throughout the day avoid touching your eyes, nose, and mouth with unwashed hands

We also ask that you stay away from the centre if you have
- recently travelled to abroad,

-have symptoms that might mean you have the virus yourself (cough, difficulty in breathing, fever),

-or are aware that someone close to you might have the virus.

If you are concerned you might have the virus please contact the NHS through 111.

Additional information:

  • If staff has concerns regarding your wellbeing whilst attending the centre you may be asked to go home and self-isolate until you are fit and well to return.
  • We monitor the government guidelines and will follow their recommendations. In the event of the centre needing to close to avoid Coronavirus spreading we will give you as much notice as possible. Should this happen please start thinking ahead with your family, friends or carers and ensure you have the provisions e.g. food that you would need indoors for at least a couple of weeks. If you have no one to help and are concerned please talk to the staff to see if we can help.
  • As a precaution to avoid unnecessary risk we have decided to cancel special events form the coming month (until 17th April). At the moment this includes the Easter Party (refunds available in office) and Saturday Club. Our Open Day previously planned for the 16th May is postponed until the Autumn. We will keep you updated on further developments.

This is the minimum we can do to keep everyone fit and well. Thank you for your collaboration!

Best wishes,

Emelia Harris                                      Joan Barnett
Centre Manager                               Chair of Trustees